Saturday, September 1, 2007

Featured Old Blogger: Xenoboy(?), Living(?) Blogger, Dead(?) Blog

This is the first post in this blog to feature an old blogger, whatever that might mean. The choice of entries from the blogs of old, undying bloggers is purely subjective and even random. I choose entries that I consider to be interesting and have a general relevance Singapore, so posts focusing on specific, passing issues are not chosen. (Admittedly, that is a false dichotomy of blog posts and I really shouldn't be perpetuating the amnesia of Singaporeans. But what is one to do in Singapore? To survive, we have to be practical and merciless. I can't spare featured bloggers from my ideologyless pragmatism, can I?)

The featured blogger today is Xenoboy. (Or is it?)

Together with Molly, Xenoboy has been blogging since 2004. His posts have always been fascinating, although it might seem that they have more accessible since the early days of Xenoboy, the Political Savant.

Readers' attention to Xenoboy has also been very interesting. The blog seems to have evolved from one that is dissed by many readers to one that is consistently praised by readers.

In this post, I introduce 10 articles from Xenoboy where he blogs about issues (if he ever blogs about "an issue") such as the admin service, history, modernity, fear, forgetting-remembrance and the blogosphere and perhaps all these together.

1. The Ad-Min Service -- Dancing With Dumbos

2. Folding History, Facts and Time : (Ab)Use of History in Singapore Politics

3. The Political Production of Fear in Singapore

4. Melancholic Death of an Oyster City

5. The Promise

6. The Liar and The Blogger

7. The Mythic Creature Known as the Conservative Singaporean

8. Freedom Deserved?

9. Wurk Wurk

10. That Iniquitous Frog in the Well.

What, though, differentiates an old blogger from a new blogger? What is the difference between an old, dead blog and a new, living blog? What if there is a blog that is public yet virtually invisible, read yet unknown, old yet new?

Perhaps this entry isn't about an old blogger. Perhaps it will introduce to a new old blog.

Bimbos and Himbos, introducing:


What does it mean to be semi-publicly circulated?

1 comment:

Murali said...

Since the instructions said leave a comment, thats what I'm doing.

Just posting a comment about my own blog: A Singaporean Renaissance

Of course like in my blog, it oculd be the case that noone is really listening.

But like SETI, this is a call out into cyberspace. If anybody is listening... Come to my blog, I've got something interesting to say about philosophy, morality, politics and anything else that catches my interest.